Registration Notes:
Regular Season Registration:
When registering, it is not necessary to complete the proof of residency steps to complete your registration. After you select the program you are signing up for, you can check out by selecting the shopping cart in the upper right hand corner or hit the continue button without inputting proof of residency. Proof of residency can be added to your account anytime and will be required if your child participates in All Stars.
The early bird special will be applied at the time of checkout
If you have any questions concerning which program to sign up for, follow this link
Spring Registration Details If you have any questions about use of the website email League Vice President
Guillaume BrousseauAll Star Registration:
Only players who were selected to an All Star team can register for All Stars
Proof of residency must be completed for participation on an All Star team. If you participated last year your paperwork is already on file and does not need to be re-submitted.